Research Environment and Opportunities
The environment at Virginia Tech is an outstanding one for researchers with interests in cognitive and developmental neuroscience. There are also faculty members and other researchers with related interests in other schools and departments across campus, such as at the human development and family study, economics, business, and neuroscience. Virginia Tech has three research-dedicated 3T MR scanners, housed in main campus VTCRC and Roanoke FBRI capable of performing structural, spectroscopic, and functional scans of human subjects as they view and listen to stimuli. In addition, there are peripheral devices allowing collection of eye movements, skin conductance responses, heart rate, blood pressure and respiratory rhythm. There is a full-time physicist who assists investigators with the technical details necessary to conduct studies and a full-time data analysis consultant.
Prospective Graduate Students and Postdocs
To become a member of the AND Lab as a graduate student (or postdoc), please submit an application to one of the following Virginia Tech Ph.D. programs: Developmental Science or Biological Psychology. After applying, kindly send an email to Tae-Ho Lee to inform him of your application. If you are interested in joining the lab as a postdoctoral researcher, please reach out to Tae-Ho Lee via email to discuss potential opportunities.

Undergraduate Research Assistant Opportunities
We are seeking enthusiastic and dedicated undergraduate students who have an interest in cognitive and developmental neuroscience. As an Undergraduate Research Assistant in the VT AND Lab, you will collaborate closely with other lab members on one or more ongoing research projects. Your responsibilities will include conducting experimental sessions with participants, assisting with data entry, coding, and analysis, preparing project stimuli, and performing literature searches. You may also have the opportunity to participate in neuroimaging (fMRI) research. Research assistants typically volunteer or earn course credit for their work in the lab, as opposed to receiving payment. Due to the training required to become a research assistant in our lab, we request a minimum commitment of 12 hours per week, generally for at least two semesters. If you are interested in acquiring research experience by working in our lab, please contact us at andlab[at] vt [dot] edu